A lot of work has been done and challenges have been overcome. The patented device and its technology have clinically been proven and Aetherus is currently working on finalizing the development and get ready for market launch in the EU and USA.
The development work thus far, resulted in granted patents and a device prototype which has been subjected to 5 clinical (randomized) trials, involving more than 100 patients, with outstanding results:
- Average recovery time of breathlessness was reduced by 40% compared to base line and 35% compared to Pursed Lips Breathing technique
- Average recovery time of breathlessness with the device was reduced by 33% compared to salbutamol, a leading short-acting medicine (‘rescue inhaler’)
- Average fear or anxiety of breathlessness was reduced by 45% for 80% of patients
- 55% of users of VitaBreath reported more activity
- The device improved endurance time by 20% in both moderate and high intensity excercise
- Most of the users would recommend the device to other COPD patients
These results provide the evidence that this technology holds the promise to improve the lives of millions of COPD patients in the short run ánd for the long time, and with that decreases the immediate and future burden of COPD to the patient’s loved ones, healthcare systems and society.
Currently, Aetherus is preparing for this invention’s manufacturing and market launch. We are getting close to bringing rapid relief of dyspnoea into the patient’s hands.